DBA Forms
1. DBA is expired: The DBA form from city or town hall has expired. Please acquire an active one and upload it to the “Documents” tab.
2. A DBA form was not submitted: This application requires a current Doing Business As (DBA) form from your city or town hall. Please acquire this form and upload it to the “Documents” tab, then resubmit the application. Out of state Applications: Please note in states other than MA, you may be required to get a DBA form through a state agency in your respective state.
3. Addresses do not match: One of the addresses listed in the tab “Basic Information” must match the address listed on your DBA form that you have submitted in the tab “Documents”. Please amend either the HIC application or acquire an updated DBA form. If assistance is needed, please contact 617-973-8787.
1. Corporation/LLC is not registered with Mass SOC: This corporation/LLC MUST be registered with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Please contact the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Corporations Division by phone at 617-727-9640 or by email at corpinfo@sec.state.ma.us to resolve this matter.
2. Corporation/LLC is DISSOLVED (No longer active with SOC): This corporation/LLC has been involuntarily dissolved by the Secretary of the Commonwealth or by Court Order. Please contact the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Corporations Division by phone at 617-727-9640 or by email at corpinfo@sec.state.ma.us to resolve this matter.
3. You must apply for a new HIC # if you are going from an individual registration to one for a corporation/LLC.
4. The addresses on the corporate paperwork do not match the addresses on our application: The addresses listed in the tab “Basic Information” must match one of the addresses listed on your Secretary of the Commonwealth Corporations Division documents. Please fix either the HIC application or the information on the corporate documents before resubmitting. To get in touch with the SOC Corporations Division contact the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Corporations Division by phone at 617-727-9640 or by email at corpinfo@sec.state.ma.us. If assistance is needed for the HIC application, our hotline is 617-973-8787.